Magazines, books, photos, and blog posts — all of these mediums can display beautiful pictures, but not all viewing methods are the same. Each media has a different method of displaying color and showing images. You could view the same picture on all four options, and each one could look slightly different. That's why color measurement and management are important to your marketing materials and displays.

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What Is Color Management?

Color management is the process of correcting colors in various devices to reproduce them as accurately as possible. Most of the time, this process is handled by a color management system on the devices in question. Still, understanding how it works can help you make adjustments where necessary and ensure you achieve an accurate color display.

Anyone who works in marketing, design, and similar industries can benefit from an understanding of color measurement. When creating colored materials for a brand, it's vital that every part of the puzzle is accurate. The right approach creates a sense of cohesiveness, uniformity, and reliability that people look for when deciding between competing products.

How Are Colors Measured?

Outside influences such as lighting, vision, and angle of view make it challenging to gauge color. With color measurement lab devices and a bit of geometry, you can eliminate these variables to achieve a precise measurement.

In most cases, the standard 0°/45° measurement is ideal for replicating the way humans see color. If your products feature gloss, metallic, or pearlescent finishes, you may need to employ views from multiple angles.

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Color Measurement Instruments

There are two main color measurement instruments:

  • Colorimeters: Colorimeters determine where a certain color lies in the spectrum by measuring its red, green, and blue values, just as the human eye does. A colorimeter can provide more precise measurements than our eyes by avoiding the influence of factors that can affect color perception.
  • Spectrophotometers: Even more accurate than a colorimeter is a spectrophotometer, as it utilizes the entire spectrum of color to analyze the specific hue's reflective curve.

Spectrophotometers can pinpoint and record any color. We've created a range of benchtop spectrophotometers for your facilities and portable spectrophotometers so you can take measurements anywhere.

Find the Perfect Spectrophotometer Today

Invest in one of HunterLab's spectrophotometers to maintain maximum consistency and reliability in your color palette. Our team can help you determine the ideal option for your brand's needs when you contact us for more information.