Variations in Baking Powder Color Quality
Baking powder is a mixture of bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar, and cornstarch. Like any other food item, baking powder requires each ingredient to be high-quality to have the desired effect on all baked goods.
Fresh baking powder is a soft white and helps baked goods rise properly. As baking powder ages or if it is made with defective ingredients, it can generally turn yellowish-brown or darker. Using old or expired baking powder makes finished baked goods heavier and denser, which can be opposite of the desired effect for certain foods.
It's important to maintain quality standards when producing food items to assure consumers their baked goods will turn out as intended.
Choosing the Right Spectrophotometer for Baking Powder Color Measurement
The human eye measures color differently depending on individual perspectives, requiring specific equipment to produce accurate and reliable color measurements. A spectrophotometer measures color with quantifiable data, helping baking powder color stay consistent across batches.
HunterLab has a wide range of spectrophotometers to meet any need. Specifically, the ColorFlex L2 accurately measures powder substances like baking powder and can accommodate up to 2,000 sample measurements. Its innovative technology allows it to efficiently measure baking powder color with common food industry scales and indices within seconds.
You can rely on the ColorFlex L2 to get your baking powder color measurement perfect every time. This spectrophotometer has a 45/0 degree measurement geometry so you can accurately see what your customers see.