The coffee industry has yet to determine a single quality standard for green coffee beans. As a result, coffee roasters determine the grade of their beans by hand. This process has become part of the industry standard, and the individual roaster determines the scope of this physical test. By measuring the color of your green coffee beans with a spectrophotometer, you go beyond industry regulations to bring quality coffee to your customers.

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The Physical Method of Measuring Green Coffee Color

Roasters start the color-measuring process by cupping the beans in their hand and inspecting their size — they then look for defects within the sample, such as black and sour beans, stones, and twigs. They remove these defects, weigh them, measure their water activity, and have a whiff of their aroma. As green coffee beans' color is an important factor for measuring coffee quality, you must also look at their color to determine their health.

The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCA) provides guidelines for measuring green coffee bean quality. Determining whether green coffee meets the standards remains a physical process where you explore the beans' smell and color and identify any defects. All coffee roasters follow this process, and the individual roaster must do accurate testing for the best roast outcome.

Measuring Green Coffee Beans: Exceeding Industry Standards

To exceed the current standards set by manual inspection, you want a more accurate way of examining the quality and color of your green coffee beans. Reliable spectrophotometer testing helps you maintain excellent beans with a consistent color at the highest value. Measuring their color with a spectrophotometer can set your product apart.

Ensuring the quality of your green coffee beans is essential to creating cups of coffee with consistent roast flavors and colors. Physical tests as set by the SCA are a good starting point, but you can conclude your testing process with a reliable spectrophotometer like the Aeros that uses the best coffee color scales and a unique 3-step process to give accurate results.

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Partner With HunterLab for Consistent Color Measurements

HunterLab's spectrophotometers can help you speed up the testing process. Our machines identify defects and measure the ideal bean color for coffee roasting. Call us or contact us through our online form for more information on our products, and we'll follow up with you promptly.