Many fears impact people’s lives. Chromophobia — also known as chromatophobia — is a fear of colors. The meaning of chromophobia derives from the Greek words “chromos” (color) and “ phobos” (fear).
Phobias of specific colors have individual names:
- Cyanophobia: Fear of blue
- Xanthophobia: Fear of yellow
- Prasinophobia: Fear of green
- Chrysophobia: Fear of orange
- Rhodophobia: Fear of pink
- Kastanophobia: Fear of brown
- Leukophobia: Fear of white
- Melanophobia: Fear of black
Causes of Chromatophobia
One prominent cause of chromophobia is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traumatic events during childhood or adolescence can train a victim’s mind to associate a neutral stimulus with the event. With chromophobia, the mind associates the traumatic event with a particular color, which then causes a reaction when the person sees that hue.
Other causes of chromatophobia include conditioning. Some people feel an intense fear toward a color because they witness a traumatic event without experiencing it themselves. Cultural conditioning labels certain colors as unfavorable, and this can lead people to fear those hues. People with phobias do not respond to logic, as they suffer from a conditioned behavior not based on fact.