Color perception is the link between how the human eye perceives color and the way the brain processes that information to affect our moods and choices. Scientific research in the area of color perception has revealed that there is a great variation between how each individual sees and views color, yet our brains continually process this information in relatively the same way. The way that humans perceive color plays an important role on the choices we make, especially when it comes to our food selections.
The science behind color perception
A number of experiments have proven that the color of food has a significant effect on how our brains perceive the quality and flavor of that food. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) research has proven that there is a direct correlation between the brain and color, which has a psychological impact on our responses to food and the way that we characterize food quality and acceptance. The information we have gleaned from these studies has led to further development in the area of human eye technology and spectrophotometry within the industry of food production and processing. These factors play a significant role in how we assess product quality and the choices we make as consumers.