The key to a successful start-up is really getting started: you have a quality product, a dazzling marketing campaign—all your ducks are in a row. The next step is to take that quality product and turn it into a consistent, commercial product that’s ready for the market. For start-up coffee roasters, one of your initial challenges is going to be developing a consistency with your roast quality that can make your brand distinctive. When customers return for another bag, you want them to be able to expect the exact darkness of roast and depth of flavor that they experienced the first time. A spectrophotometer is a small, portable investment that can help transition your start-up coffee roasting venture into a commercially viable product by keeping your roast quality consistent.

The savvy consumer is going to expect a consistent flavor profile with each batch of coffee. Keeping tabs on the consistency of your roast with a spectrophotometer can keep your company competitive in a saturated market. Image: Wikimedia Commons user Coffeegeek