Color heavily influences how consumers perceive food products. Humans naturally associate color with flavor and quality, assuming how a product will taste based on its appearance.

Like all snack foods, nuts are subject to consumer judgments founded on color. These products require thorough quality control testing to ensure they project the proper quality, appearance, and taste. Color measurement devices deliver objective color assessments, enabling operators to achieve color consistency according to industry standards.

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Importance of Color Consistency in the Snack Food Industry

When consumers purchase food products, they expect consistency. That's why color variations in snack foods can lead individuals to deem these products unappetizing, outdated, unsafe, or poor quality. These perceptions considerably influence shoppers' buying decisions, discouraging them from making repeat purchases.

Maintaining color consistency in the snack food industry ensures food products like nuts make a favorable impression on consumers, communicating good taste, high quality, and optimal freshness. As a result, more people are likely to buy these products.

Measuring the Color of Nuts With Spectrophotometers From HunterLab

Spectrophotometers are the best solution for measuring the color of raw and roasted nuts. This solution measures the nut's color while seamlessly navigating the challenges common to nut samples, such as rough textures and irregular shapes. Other options lack this sophistication and cannot offer the measurement types and data accuracy a spectrophotometer can.

Measuring nut color is easy with the AerosĀ® color spectrophotometer from HunterLab. This device analyzes color consistency in only a few simple steps. No other spectrophotometer available has the capabilities of the Aeros solution. Its key features include:

  • Reflectance-only components to measure the sample's color without physical contact, reducing sample cleanup time.
  • The largest measurement area of any spectrophotometer in the world at 27.5 square inches on a rotating sample platform.
  • Automatic Height Positioning using Smart Sensor technology to obtain optimal measurements and reduce operator involvement.
  • Embedded EasyMatch QC software to collect, display, and analyze the recorded color data.
  • Smart user interface with data management capabilities.

Working with HunterLab solutions for snack food color measurement allows you to obtain accurate color measurement data. Our solutions have unique capabilities not found in other spectrophotometers so that nuts and other snack foods can have consistent coloring.

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Facilitate Accurate Snack Food Color Measurement With Solutions From HunterLab

Measure the color of nuts with color spectrophotometers from HunterLab. We've spent over 70 years delivering superior color measurement solutions developed with optimal accuracy and efficiency in mind.

Browse our color spectrophotometers for nuts today!