In industrial colorimetry of QA non-luminous materials, assumptions are made that light reflected from or transmitted through a surface is relatively uniform, with only diffuse and specular components. To promote inter-instrument agreement, the CIE geometries for collecting the reflected or transmitted signal of non-luminous materials are standardized into directional and diffuse sphere types.


Prismatic highway signage materials tend to reflect light more in a retro-reflective direction than in any other. This is the type of material where a BRDF scattering profile would be useful to know in the research stage.

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Precise Light Interaction Analysis

BRDF measurement serves as more of a research tool when you want to precisely quantify the pattern of light reflecting from a sample surface, or the pattern of light being transmitted through a clear material. Typical materials would be coated surfaces, plastics, films and metals.

Another major application area for BRDF measurement is quantifying the illumination pattern from self luminous light sources such as LEDs and HID lamps; and luminaires such as automotive displays, and architectural lighting.

HunterLab does not make BRDF/BSDF equipment but here are some further resources for equipment and measurement services:

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Lighting Sciences Inc.

Scottsdale, AZ  85260 USA


LabSphere, Inc.

North Sutton, NH 03260 USA


Radiant Zemax

Redmond, WA 98053 USA


KU Leuven, dept ESAT, Technologiecampus Gent (KAHO Sint-Lieven)

Light & Lighting Laboratory

Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1, 9000 Gent (Belgium)

+32 9 265 87 13