Have you ever ventured up to that country north of the border? In Canada most of the food is the same as it is in the US, with Smarties being on exception. Americans associate that name with a sugary candy, whereas Canadians recognize it is as a candy coated chocolate, similar to M&M’s. M&Ms are available in Canada as well, so how are they able to successfully co-exist with such a similar product?
Visual appeal means more than just pleasing to the eye. Aside from flavor, consumer choice depends greatly on visual acceptance.1. While Smarties are similar in concept to M&M’s their paler, more pastel like colors, appeal to a different customer base.
It isn’t just the color itself that matters, but its intensity plays a key role in attracting a certain set of customers. That’s why color consistency is integral for maintaining a loyal customer base. Advanced color measurement tools is the simplest way to streamline this process while avoiding costly errors and wasted resources.

M&M’s are known for their distinct colors and brightness. Image Source: Flickr’ user frankieleon