Spectrophotometry has become a staple technology application in the coffee industry over the past several decades. New trends in individualized portion pack coffee products have increased the demand for higher quality and consistency in coffee products and manufacturers are looking for ways to streamline the process to keep up with the demand. Fast and reliable color technology has increased production rates without cutting corners on quality. With advanced spectrophotometry, major coffee producers are keeping up with market trends and developing new methods to increase marketability.


Individualized portion pack coffee sales have shot through the roof and many leading manufacturers rely on color technology to ensure quality while keeping up with production flow. Image Source: Flickr user Randy

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From Bean to Brew

Quality coffee products begin with quality beans, which are carefully inspected and monitored throughout the growing, roasting, and grinding process to ensure proper development of both color and flavor. In order to maximize the potential of each batch, advanced spectrophotometry is utilized throughout each stage of development. From the quality inspection of raw coffee beans to the real-time monitoring of the roasting process, each step requires advanced technology in order to cultivate a precise color and flavor correlation.

Coffee importation and sales support a worldwide economy, which relies on technology to assure quality and safety throughout the trade market. With a higher volume of imports flooding the industry, efficient analysis ensures that products meet food safety and nutritional guidelines.1 As volumes increase, verification of quality beans from trusted sources is needed to meet industry standards for quality and proper labeling.2 With limitless variations in individualized portion pack coffee options, close monitoring of the blending process is pertinent to developing a strong reputation for quality and value.


Proper roasting and blending begins with quality beans to ensure the highest level of quality in coffee product development. Image Source: Flickr user Allagash Brewing

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Color, Quality, and Convenience

Color technology has long played an important role in coffee production. Spectrophotometry is the leading technology that is used to monitor color quality in coffee production. Color measurement can serve as an indicator of food safety as well as help monitor the processing of coffee throughout the roasting process. As beans are carefully selected for the roasting process, real-time color measurement technology closely monitors color changes to bring beans to the peak of their flavor and aroma. As consumers continue to demand a large variety of coffee selections, each individualized portion must meet the quality standards of the consumer for appearance, flavor, and aroma. All three of these factors can be derived from managing the color of roast and in-line instrumentation ensures consistency from batch to batch, no matter how large or small. Quality and product reputation depend on maintaining these consistencies throughout the product line and spectrophotometry offers an affordable and reliable method to guarantee uniformity throughout the various stages of production.


Non-contact color measurement closely monitors color for a variety of textures and sample sizes. Versatile instrumentation makes color analysis both simple and reliable. Image Source: Flickr user Breville USA

Versatile Instrumentation that Meets Industry Demands

Spectrophotometry combines the science of color technology and functionality to meet the needs of coffee manufacturing.3 At HunterLab, we specialize in coffee color measurement and have designed our instrumentation to meet the specific needs within this industry. Whether monitoring color throughout the roasting process or developing a standard for color consistency and quality in ground coffee products, our spectrophotometers are designed to meet any need or challenge. The versatility of non-contact or in-line color measurement systems provides a simple user-friendly method of analysis for a variety of applications. HunterLab offers many versatile options which are specifically tailored to the coffee industry and meet nearly any budget. For more information on our products and the benefits of spectrophotometry in coffee manufacturing, please contact us today.