What Is Color Consistency?
Color consistency refers to the amount of chromaticity variation between two products. Chromaticity measures a color's purity aspects without considering brightness. Because the way a light beam hits a surface plays a significant role in how the human eye perceives color, chromaticity is vital for maintaining consistency across various settings or environments.
Why Color Consistency Is Important in the Food Industry
Customers expect the highest consistency levels when shopping for food in a supermarket. Color variance often indicates poor mixing, an older product or improper ingredients. It is also the primary indicator of whether a product is worth buying.
Both processed and unprocessed foods require accurate analysis and monitoring of color change throughout production to ensure superior quality for consumers.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses color systems to evaluate food health and safety levels in various food products. It primarily utilizes color charts to ensure food processing companies meet the recommended guidelines. Many companies rely on measuring devices like spectrophotometers to maintain these standards.
How to Measure the Color of Food
While some food processing companies have relied on calorimetry to monitor color consistency in the past, many have turned to spectrophotometry to measure color in today's market. Although colorimeters measure the red, green and blue light transmitted or reflected by a food product, spectrophotometers measure light transmission and reflection over the entire spectrum of visible light, providing much more accurate results for most solid and semi-solid foods.
HunterLab has a comprehensive selection of devices to measure color consistency in any food type, including dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and meat and poultry. Many of these measurement tools use our Smart sensor technology to adjust for superior measurement. They're portable, easy to operate and provide quick, accurate results, offering food companies a highly affordable and reliable solution for monitoring color consistency.