Color is one of the most vital indicators of quality and freshness for many products in the food industry, including sugar. Consumers depend on color and appearance before using sugar because these are the few product properties visible to the human eye. While consumers rely on sugar color for acceptability, food processors depend on it to meet processing and quality control standards during refinement.

What Is Color Consistency?

Color consistency involves measuring the differences in chromaticity between two colors. In food processing, this procedure can include comparing a product's color to a chart or another color standard. Chromaticity is critical because it indicates a product's actual color without considering brightness or the effect light has on the product's surface.

Why Color Consistency Is Important in the Sugar Industry

Processing companies make sugar by extracting juice from sugar cane or sugar beet plants. These companies can produce various sugar colors and grades by adjusting the molasses and using variations in drying, cleaning and crystallizing. The amount of molasses in the crystals is the primary determining factor of sugar color, influencing the product's appearance and taste perception.

The more processing sugar undergoes, the more it loses color. Companies must carefully monitor color throughout the refining process to maintain consistent levels of flavor while meeting required industry standards.

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What Is the ICUMSA Color Scale?

The International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA) uses charts to measure sugar color at a specific concentration called the Brix value. This method allows sugar producers across the globe to follow a uniform standard during product processing. Besides evaluating the color of white sugar, the ICUMSA scale also measures brown sugars, colored syrups, raw sugars and more.

The scale uses sugar concentration and ultraviolet (UV) absorbance to determine an exact ICUMSA color — the precise value results from multiplying the absorbency index by 1,000. Sugars with scores between 45 and 800 are typically fit for human consumption, while sugars with an ICUMSA score over 800 require higher levels of refinement.

HunterLab offers various tools to measure color consistency in many types of sugars, including our Vista®, ColorFlex® EZ and UltraScan® VIS spectrophotometers. These devices provide reliable, accurate and fast measurements, whether the product is in solid or liquid form.

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Contact the Professionals at HunterLab Today

HunterLab is one of the world's leading developers of color measuring devices, including instruments for measuring food products like sugar. Contact us online to request more information or obtain pricing on a specific product. You can also browse our insightful blog for more posts about color measurement and spectrophotometry.