Sports drinks regularly offer some of the brightest, most intense colors of any beverage on the market. Over time, consumers have come to expect these intense colors. They know such drinks promise that sweet yet tart taste of electrolytes, carbohydrates, and other nutrients that will supply their bodies with the energy they need.

Bright, consistent coloring is essential for any sports drink production. Learn more about the science behind measuring these colors with HunterLab today.

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Sports Drinks Are Bright for a Reason

Consider for a moment the most popular sports drinks on the market. What colors are they? Regardless of flavor, you're probably picturing drinks with vibrant colors.

When it comes to marketing sports drinks, color matters. These bright colors do more than stand out in the beverage aisle of the grocery store — they indicate a drink packed full of flavors and extra nutrients that will keep a consumer moving through a heavy workout or a demanding sports practice.

Using a Spectrophotometer Is the Best Method of Sports Drink Color Analysis

Whether you're developing a new sports drink for the market or you want to maintain consistency among the colors in your sports drink lineup, consider using a spectrophotometer — the tool of choice for color measurement specialists everywhere. Consistent colors are key in securing long-term customers, so one of the best practices for analyzing sports drink colors is using a spectrophotometer to take the guesswork out of measuring them.

This device provides a clear numerical value for every color, showing you how close every sample is to your acceptable range, regardless of where you are and what lighting conditions you're working with.

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Find Sports Drink Color Measurement Solutions at HunterLab

As an industry leader in color measurement solutions, HunterLab offers various spectrophotometers for the color measurement of sports drinks. Our scientists and engineers suggest using these equipment types for the most accurate results:

  • Vista: This benchtop spectrophotometer can measure color and haze in minutes. It comes standard with EasyMatch Essentials Quality Control software to streamline workflow and programmable one-touch standardization, allowing you to measure sample after sample for as long as you need it.
  • UltraScan VIS: This solution boasts the largest transmission compartment of any spectrophotometer, allowing for precise measurements of a range of sample sizes. With automatic UV calibration and control, you can measure transmitted color and haze with ease.

Request a quote on any solution from HunterLab today and start producing results with more consistent coloration.