Maintaining the color consistency of plastic throughout production saves time and raw materials. While humans can see color, it is hard to communicate it efficiently. Color measurement tools can describe the color numerically. HunterLab offers various color measurement instruments for opaque plastic products. Integrating color evaluation procedures in your production line ensures superior product quality.

What Makes Plastic Opaque?

Opacity is the property of a material that blocks all light from passing through it. Opacity is calculated by measuring the percentage of light absorbed by the material. Some plastics are opaque because of their chemical structure, while others are modified using an opacifier.  

How to Measure Opacity and Color of Plastic

READ  Best Practices for Measuring the Color of Opaque Plastic Plaques

Gloss and reflection haze are vital effects on the appearance of opaque plastics. Spectrophotometers help manufacturers measure these effects to ensure the integrity of all products. 


Gloss is an element that makes surfaces appear shiny, smooth, and metallic. Many plastic manufacturers use gloss on their products. Quality controllers measure gloss using a gloss meter, which presents a continuous beam of light at a fixed angle on the sample and measures the amount of reflected light in Gloss Units. 

Reflection Haze

A high-gloss surface's reflection should be clear and radiant. However, surface faults can cause reflections to appear milky, affecting the product's quality. A benchtop spectrophotometer is one of the best tools for measuring haze in plastic materials. It can measure both color and haze to provide quantifiable results. 

Determine Color Tolerances

Color tolerance is the acceptable variations between the target color and the sample. Establishing color tolerance is essential in an efficient quality control strategy. Note that a tolerance is more acceptable when the color difference spreads through the three dimensions (L, a, b).

Spectrophotometers for Color Measurement of Opaque Plastics

A color measurement system eliminates subjectivity and enables accurate measurement and communication of color during production. A spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed or reflected by plastic and displays the output in numerical values. These values represent various color spaces and indices, such as CIE L*a*b and the Yellowness Index, providing manufacturers with an objective way to monitor the color of their products.

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ESG Compliance Through Color Measurement

HunterLab's color measurement solutions drive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) compliance within the plastics industry. These solutions offer accurate color control throughout production, reducing energy consumption, scrap, and reworks. Precise color measurement helps companies reduce landfill waste, optimize resource usage, and uphold their commitment to sustainability.

Measuring color in virgin and recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET) resin is crucial when producing opaque plastic sheets. PET tends to turn yellowish due to oxidation, which affects the color of the final product. Manufacturers use optical brighteners to reduce yellowing. Our technology determines the degree of yellowing and the amount of optical brighteners needed. This ensures color consistency and minimizes waste and energy usage associated with incorrect color matching. 

Choose HunterLab as Your Color Management Partner

Here at HunterLab, we have everything you need to measure the color of your opaque plastics and maintain product consistency.

Contact us today for more information on our advanced spectrophotometers.