Spectrophotometers Ensure Brand Consistency
The ideal method of liquid dish soap color quality control relies on spectrophotometric color measurement. Transmission spectrophotometers measure the exact color of translucent or transparent liquid objects, perfect for translucent liquid dish soap. Reflectance spectrophotometers measure the color of opaque liquids or solids and would be necessary for companies manufacturing opaque liquid dish soap. Certain advanced spectrophotometers, such as the UltraScan Pro from HunterLab, are capable of measuring both transmittance and reflectance color.
Whether measuring translucent or opaque liquid soaps, spectrophotometers are an essential quality control tool.Unlike human observers, who see color subjectively, spectrophotometers measure color on an objective, numerical basis. This means that spectrophotometers will always measure color to your exact standards. While the observations of human color testers may vary due to biological and environmental factors, those of spectrophotometers will remain precise over tens of thousands of measurements.
Not only can spectrophotometers be useful during the mixing process to ensure that each batch of dish soap is the proper color before moving to the next stage of production, they can also be helpful in the realm of market research and color development. By spectrophotometrically recording the exact shades that customers prefer in focus groups and other studies of color preference, these instruments allow manufacturers to easily replicate the shade that customers respond to best. These recordings can be used as future standards as manufacturers continually search for the perfect dish soap color.
The HunterLab Difference
At HunterLab, we’ve been developing color measurement solutions for over six decades. Our reputation for quality has led top companies to choose HunterLab to perfect their product development and manufacturing processes. Because we work closely with our customers to understand their unique needs, we’re able to offer instruments ideally suited for liquid dish soap quality control. Contact us to learn more about our products and lets us help you find the perfect tools for your needs.