For many people, small or hard to locate veins can be a nightmare when getting a blood draw. However, with new infrared light technology, the guesswork is taken out of this process making it easier on medical practitioners and patients. Image Source: Flickr user Seniju

Nearly every person has been through the ordeal of having blood drawn or an IV inserted into their arm. It’s not a pleasant experience, and even less so if your veins are small or hard to locate. If you have experienced bruising or incessant poking during these types of procedures before, new UV spectroscopy technology may provide an answer towards making this process easier and less traumatic.

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Practical applications of UV spectroscopy in the medical field

UV spectroscopy is just scratching the surface of new innovative technology in the medical field. This technology is already in place for more advanced medical procedures such as biomedical imaging and pharmaceutical development and safety. As more research and development efforts are put toward uncovering the possibilities of UV spectroscopy, many doctors and scientists are realizing the potential of light technology in the world of medicine.

Companies like Christie Medical Holdings in Memphis, Tennessee, have found ways to utilize spectrophotometric technology for vascular identification using harmless near-infrared light. The video below shows how simple and effective this process can be. In fact, this technology has the ability to revolutionize the way medical practitioners approach patient care and may soon allow more doctors to offer non-invasive measures to their patients.

According to the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), “Optical imaging and spectroscopy is a diverse field that has been of critical importance in a wide range of areas in radiation research. It is capable of spanning a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and has the sensitivity needed for molecular and functional imaging”. Due to the sensitive nature of UV spectroscopy and ease-of-use and measurement repeatability, it is an ideal alternative to radiological imaging. Spectrophotometers offer non-invasive analysis for a variety of medical images and testing and are uniquely adaptable for a wide range of applications. Being both lightweight and portable, this form of technology offers an affordable alternative to many more expensive methods of analysis in medicine.

Leading hospitals and medical facilities continue to utilize technology for advance healthcare treatments. Cutting-edge UV spectroscopy technology will soon infiltrate the medical field as an inexpensive and non-invasive medical treatment for many various ailments.
Image Source: Flickr user Army Medicine

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New possibilities of UV spectroscopy in medicine

From simple everyday applications in the medical field to more advanced methods of early detection, real-time monitoring, and light therapy treatment options, UV spectroscopy is just beginning to uncover possibilities for the future of medicine. Health practitioners and patients alike appreciate the lower cost and effectiveness of these procedures and can foresee how this could revolutionize our health care system. New treatment methods continue to present ways of utilizing this technology and leading medical researchers and manufacturers realize the benefit of including UV spectroscopy in equipment and product development plan. As the connection between medicine and light technology continue to grow, experts in spectral analysis are needed to develop this relationship and discover new methods that will revolutionize the future of our healthcare system.

At HunterLab we work together with industry leaders and scientific researchers to uncover the potential of spectrophotometric technology. Our instrumentation has already made a significant impact in pharmaceutical research and this area of development continues to grow as we work together with industry leaders to address the many challenges and new ideas that arise. We pride ourselves on unrivaled customer support and relations, which has helped our many customers to become front-runners throughout their various industries using our leadership in UV spectroscopy and light technology. For more information about HunterLab’s commitment to light technology and UV spectroscopy research, please contact us today.