Baking powder is a staple in most pantries. Though most people don't think about it until they need it, it's often a necessary requisite for a delicious pastry item or used for other household projects. Unlike ingredients such as sugar and flour, this combination of powdered baking soda, acid, and cornstarch often doesn't have a readily available replacement, making it all the more important that manufacturers create a quality product every time.

When quality assurance, safety, and customer satisfaction are at the top of your deliverables, ensure you have the tools to gauge your progress and output a consistent result. Color measurement devices from HunterLab can help.

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Why Baking Powder Color Matters

The color of baking powder matters for the same reason the color of every food matters. Consistency in baking powder color delivers:

  • Consumer satisfaction: When a consumer reaches for a product in the store, they do so with a set of preconceived notions. They expect their baking powder to be a soft, fine texture, to be white, and to help their bread rise. An off-white color could be their first indication that something is amiss, which may put them off from using it and purchasing from the same brand again.
  • A streamlined workflow: All workplace guidelines are made to encourage an expedient and safe manufacturing process. Even though color measurement may require you to add steps to your process, your team will have clearer expectations of their work, encouraging everyone to do better and making their results more consistent.
  • Enhanced safety: An improper baking powder color could mean something is wrong with the product, whether because of a change in ingredient ratio or something more serious, like the presence of bacteria. A set color gives your facility an extra shot at noticing these changes before the baking powder leaves your facility.
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HunterLab's Spectrophotometer Solutions

Baking powder color measurement offers valuable information to your facility and consumers alike. Many spectrophotometers and other color measurement tools are developed for specific food types, so when you pursue your options, make sure HunterLab's ColorFlex L2 is part of your search. This equipment is designed for baking powder, baking soda, and other fine-grained foods. Like its samples, this benchtop tool is compact, so you can fit it anywhere and connect it to printers and computers with ease.

HunterLab equipment comes with its own onboard software, delivering results using easy-to-understand color scales that mimic the view human eyes perceive. Contact us today and request a quote on this tool so you can start producing better products every day.