When it comes to food, color measurement helps you deliver a consistent product that consumers trust. Incorrect coloring can make them turn away from your brand and move on to another one that can meet their expectations. It may sometimes be necessary to measure the color of each ingredient within your products to determine content levels and which ingredients are causing a departure from the expected color.

Starch is a key ingredient in many foods, but measuring it is a vastly different exercise than with most ingredients. HunterLab is here to offer the best testing protocols and gauging tools available for starch color measurement.

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Iodine Starch Testing

Determining whether starch is present in a product and measuring its amount involves the same process. The key ingredient in this experiment is iodine, a chemical that reacts with starch. It's important to note that iodine is toxic when consumed and can stain skin and clothing, so when working with it, use a small sample and take adequate protective measures to prevent ingestion and spills.

To complete the test, take two small liquid samples or slices of the food and separate them into two containers. In one, introduce a measurement of water. In the second, introduce the same amount of iodine solution. The iodine sample should begin changing color immediately if starch is present, with the sample's surface developing a dark blue or black color.

Measuring Your Results

After a few minutes, you should be able to gauge the level of starch in the product. The darker the color becomes, the more starch is present. From here, you can use a color measurement tool, like a spectrophotometer, to measure the color of the iodine sample.

Though one measurement may not give you the information you need, multiple measurements throughout many batches of your product inform you of how much starch should be in your product. These measurements will also give clear notice when the starch content is off. A tool like HunterLab's ColorFlex EZ will translate any reading into a numerical result, allowing you to create a data set of precise starch color measurements.

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Request a Quote on ColorFlex EZ

Throughout our entire suite of industrial spectrophotometers, ColorFlex EZ is our most versatile tool, capable of handling powders, cereals and similarly sized products and delivering accurate results in seconds. This tool is perfect for any facility, as it takes up little bench space and connects seamlessly to printers and PCs so that you can keep your data on hand for future tests. Request a quote on this powerful spectrophotometer today.