Each year, more consumers opt for beverages with health or energy benefits, such as sports and nutraceutical drinks. These beverages are popular because of their nutritional value or energy-boosting capabilities. While the contents of these functional beverages play a vital role in a consumer's purchasing decision, the color of the product also has an effect. Thankfully, there are tools and a few best practices available to ensure the color of these beverages remains consistent and compliant with industry standards.

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The Importance of a Functional Beverage's Color

The color of a beverage determines whether the product is appealing or not. Consumers may be concerned about consuming a drink with a color that does not represent the flavor. Individuals may also be deterred if the same brand and type of functional beverage do not share the same color. Additionally, consumers prefer functional beverages with natural colors instead of bright, artificial coloring.

It's essential for the color of functional drinks to meet industry standards, as well. If the beverage's color differs from similar products, it could indicate that the drink is not fit for consumption. By monitoring their color, you can ensure your products adhere to food and beverage regulations.

The Best Way to Measure the Color of Functional Beverages

Monitoring the color of your functional beverages by sight alone can be inaccurate and challenging, especially if you're producing them in high volumes. Measuring color this way is misleading since the color of a beverage can be imprecise depending on several factors, such as the amount of lighting, color blindness, and eye fatigue.

You can increase the consistency and precision of your products by using a spectrophotometer. These devices provide a three-dimensional numerical value to determine the color of a beverage accurately. You can establish your desired product color and use the spectrophotometer to maintain consistency throughout production. This color-measuring tool will provide you with readable data, allowing you to replicate the same results in each batch.

Here at HunterLab, we offer high-quality spectrophotometers specifically designed to determine how a beverage reflects and transmits light. The data from these measurements provides a clear indication of the beverage's quality, informing you of impurities and helping you meet health and safety criteria.

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Get in Touch With the Color Experts at HunterLab Today

Ready to purchase your own spectrophotometer? Contact the professionals at HunterLab for more information. We will ensure you get the right color-measuring tool for your functional beverages.